[Pythonmac-SIG] Using scripting bridge

Jan Erik Moström lists at mostrom.pp.se
Thu Mar 27 11:52:14 CET 2008

I'm doing my first attempts in trying to use the scripting 
bridge and I'm not very successful. I probably doesn't 
understand how to do things at all and unfortunately I can't 
find any docs on how to do things.

What I want to do is basically to do some data processing using 
python and then control various applications and insert data 
into them. My first attempt is to be able to script Mailsmith.

My problem is that I don't understand how I should translate the 
applescript commands to the equivalent python code.

If someone could give me some hints or point me to some 
documentation of how to how to do this translation I would be grateful.

Here is a small snippet that I can't translate

on createMessageInMailsmith(subjectText, bodyText, 
recipientList, accountName)
     tell application "Mailsmith"
         set nm to make new message window
         tell nm
             set subject to subjectText
             set contents to bodyText
         end tell
     end tell
end createMessageInMailsmith

unfortunately I don't get much further than

#! /usr/bin/env python

from Foundation import *
from ScriptingBridge import *

mailsmith = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_('com.barebones.mailsmith')

def createemail( account, recipients, subject, body, queue = 
False ):

createemail( 'jobbet', 'Some subject', 'body text')

Jan Erik Moström, www.mostrom.pp.se

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