[Pythonmac-SIG] suggestions for an appscript FAQ

Henning Hraban Ramm hraban at fiee.net
Sun Mar 16 00:04:52 CET 2008

Am 2008-03-15 um 22:13 schrieb has:
>> << 1 >>
>> Why does this work:
>> 	document = InDesign.make(new=k.document)
>> 	document.save(to=ComposedFile(path))
>> but not this:
>> 	document = InDesign.make(new=k.document).save(to=ComposedFile(path))
> Seems to work on CS3. What are you expecting it to do vs. what is it
> actually doing?

If I chained it, it just wouldn't save.
Again: can't reproduce the error.
I guess my path wasn't perfectly converted until today or something  
like that.
(Or could it depend on TerminologyServer running? Will check that  

Sorry for the noise.

>> << 2 >>
>> Why is Finder.copy not (yet) implemented? Will it soon?
> Application-specific problems are outside the scope of appscript's
> FAQ, but I'm going to add a "I'm having trouble scripting <name of
> app>. What do I do now?" topic (suggested on rb-appscript-discuss)
> pointing users to appropriate forums (AppleScript-users, etc.) as a
> general cover-all.

Ok, perhaps you could answer generally, why some items are "NOT  
Or did I overlook that somewhere?

I think the worst problem with appscript is the "strange behaviour"  
id you're used to either linear or object oriented or really  
asynchronous code - appscript looks like linear & object oriented,  
but is "a bit" asynchronous (but not like twisted's Deferreds) and  
instead of "real" objects you get those dynamic references.

Additionally every application behaves differently and you've to find  
out what works how (or not) - or how they call something internally  
what you know with some (translated) name from GUI and manual...

Of course that's not your fault, and it's great that we can use  
appscript at all!

I tend to blame the docs while I'm struggling to wrap my mind around  
some strange library (needed a while for twisted or wxPython, too).  
But some more docs seldom hurt. - I guess my path stuff is really a  
FAQ, but found nowhere a working example.

I'll provide some examples as soon as I manage to get them running.
(Just trying to write a wrapper class for InDesign documents,  
although limited to those functions that I need.)

Greetlings from Lake Constance!
https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)

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