[Pythonmac-SIG] [py2app] how to make a .app running on mac intel 10.5

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Mon Jun 30 19:03:41 CEST 2008

Wow! lot's of py2app questions lately!

I'll do my best, but I'm not expert. Unfortunately, the real expert is 
Bob Ippolito, whom I have not seen on this list in a good while, and 
Ronald Oussoren has been very helpful, but I haven't seen him for a bit 
either (not as long, though).

Anyway, here's my little bit of help:

El Duvelle wrote:

> It does works, but the problem is that the launching of my .app on the 
> mac with Intel is veeery slow compared to launching on the mac with a 
> ppc. And I guess it is so because the computer has to convert the .app 
> or something like that...

nope -- py2app should have built a true Universal package -- it should 
launch the same way on Intel and PPC systems. Is there any other 
difference that might mater between the two? (disk speed, networked 
drives, ...)

It's possible that you got a PPC build, and it's running under Rosetta 
(or whatever they call the PPC emulation) on your Intel box -- does it 
run slow too, or just launch slow?

You might try running "file" on the executable in the bundle. It's 
inside the .app bundle, in the MacOS dir. This is what I get in one 
example of mine:

... Converter.app/Contents/MacOS cbarker$ file Converter

Converter: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
Converter (for architecture i386):      Mach-O executable i386
Converter (for architecture ppc):       Mach-O executable ppc

Are you building on the PPC machine?


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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