[Pythonmac-SIG] PyObjC tutorial without Xcode

Craig Marshall craig9 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 20:25:36 CEST 2008


I am familiar with python already, and I am familiar with the mac as a
user, but otherwise have no mac development experience. I'm keen to
learn pyobjc and write native mac/python GUI apps.

I'm currently having problems with outdated-ness and inaccuracies with
both tutorials* I can find on PyObjC, and I think it could be simpler
if I could find a tutorial that didn't involve Xcode (and the xcode
python support seems spotty). Can anyone point me in the right
direction please? I'm happy to use a plain old text editor and
run/debug from the command line, and also I'd rather leave obj-C alone
if possible. I accept that I'll need to use interface builder (which
seems like a great app, anyway).

Is this possible? If so - pointers would be gratefully received.

Craig Marshall

* (http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/documentation/pyobjc-core/tutorial/index.html
and http://developer.apple.com/cocoa/pyobjc.html)

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