[Pythonmac-SIG] Py2app - problem building with a localized package

Ed Leafe ed at leafe.com
Wed Jul 2 21:42:58 CEST 2008

On Jun 30, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Christopher Barker wrote:

> The solution is to force include these. It looks like a dabo recipe  
> is in order. Take a look at the matplotlib recipe -- it needs to  
> include a bunch of data files also.
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site- 
> packages/py2app-0.4.2-py2.5.egg/py2app/recipes
> Actually, looking there, it looks like it's as simple as explicitly  
> include the dabo package.

	OK, not exactly sure how these recipes work, but here's what I did:

- copied matplotlib.py to dabo.py
- added 'import dabo' to __init__.py in recipes
- changed dabo.py to read:

def check(cmd, mf):
    m = mf.findNode('dabo')
    if m is None or m.filename is None:
        return None
    return dict(
        packages = ['dabo']

- compiled dabo.py to dabo.pyc
- re-ran the build scripts

	I do see all the Dabo localization files being copied over in the  
build process, as well as the 'using recipe' message for dabo. But now  
when I run the generated app, I get the error message: ImportError: no  
module named dabo.

	If I view the Contents of the generated app, I see the full dabo  
directory and subdirectories, located in Resources/lib/python2.5/. So  
it seems like I'm getting closer, but don't understand enough to  
figure out why the main script of the app can't find the dabo module.

	Any insights?

-- Ed Leafe

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