[Pythonmac-SIG] Status of Python 3.0 for Mac?

Leighton Pritchard lpritc at scri.ac.uk
Mon Dec 15 17:13:50 CET 2008

> I want to install 3.0 to experiment with all the new features, but I
> don't want to do anything horrible to my default Leopard install, and
> I'd like to be able to remove 3.0 easily.  What's the most sensible
> way of doing this?  Setting a --prefix of /opt/python3.0 , for
> example, or just using the default prefix and using make altinstall?

I installed a framework version, using otherwise default settings, and it
played nicely with my existing Python installation:

./configure --enable-framework
sudo make install

On one machine this worked without any issues.  On another, I had to fix the
symbolic link at /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current to
point to the [...]/Versions/2.6 directory, rather than the
[...]/Versions/3.0 directory that the installation seemed to have linked to.
The executables live in /usr/local/bin/ and will probably be in your default
$PATH, so just issuing


At the command line should put you into the new interpreter.

Dr Leighton Pritchard MRSC
D131, Plant Pathology Programme, SCRI
Errol Road, Invergowrie, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, DD2 5DA
e:lpritc at scri.ac.uk       w:http://www.scri.ac.uk/staff/leightonpritchard
gpg/pgp: 0xFEFC205C       tel:+44(0)1382 562731 x2405

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