[Pythonmac-SIG] Carbon bindings' future

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Thu Apr 10 11:46:19 CEST 2008

On 9 Apr 2008, at 06:56, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> On 3 Apr, 2008, at 15:46, has wrote:
>>>  it would be nice to have complete bindings to the bits of
>>> Carbon that still make sense.
>> Yes, although I'd repeat my earlier suggestion that the most
>> economically viable way to provide Carbon bindings would be to create
>> ObjC wrappers for the Carbon APIs of interest.
> I'm far from convinced that this is true.

If you use bridgesupport/bgen/whatever to generate ObjC wrappers then  
ObjC users, Python users, Ruby users, Perl users, etc, etc. all  
benefit. If you generate Python wrappers, then only Python users  

It's a question of reaching the widest number of users with the least  
duplication of effort. Reaching ObjC users is particularly important,  
because sooner or later the existing Carbon APIs are going to get  
wrapped for ObjC anyway. If you target ObjC now, there's a good chance  
that your wrappers will become the de-facto standard there and  
everywhere else. If you target individual scripting languages,  
eventually someone else will create ObjC wrappers and then you've got  
two different standards fighting for users' attention.


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