[Pythonmac-SIG] does pkg_resources think that "macosx-10.3" is incompatible with 10.5?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Nov 21 21:11:40 CET 2007

On 21 Nov, 2007, at 20:59, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

>> Does anyone know if there is a good reason for Python running on 10.5
>> to reject binaries built on 10.4, and if not what would be required
>> to make this version check pass?
> This seems to be caused by distutils.util.get_platform() returning  
> the wrong value (macosx-10.5-i386 instead of macosx-10.5-fat).  This  
> is caused by what seems to be a rather dumb bug in that function:
> |		if (release + '.') < '10.4.' and \
> |                    	get_config_vars().get('UNIVERSALSDK',  
> '').strip():
> |                        # The universal build will build fat  
> binaries, but not on
> |            	         # systems before 10.4
> |                        machine = 'fat'
> The first part of the test seems wrong to me and causes machine not  
> to be set to 'fat' on 10.5.

BTW. The first part of the fix is changing '<' to '>=' in the first  
test. That doesn't fix the issue though, the config/Makefile in  
Apple's Python.framework isn't configured for building universal  

And to make matters even worse: I'm pretty sure that setuptools used  
to know that 'fat' builds are compatible with 'i386' and 'ppc'  
architectures (at least on OSX), but that code no longer seems to be  

I'll see if I can check in a fix for the bogus if-statement tomorrow  
morning (both in the trunk and the 2.5 branch), that way python 2.5.2  
will at least behave correctly. I don't know if have time to work on a  
patch for setuptools though.

I'll have to contact PJE about universal builds vs. setuptools anyway  
(through distutils-sig) to discuss how to deal with 4-way universal  

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