[Pythonmac-SIG] MySQLdb on 2.5?

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Tue Nov 20 08:01:47 CET 2007

On 19-Nov-07, at 7:21 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> I'm pretty sure I didn't patch anything. I think what I had to do was
> take a PPC MySQL library and an x86 MySQL library and use lipo to
> splice them together, but other than that it compiled fine I believe.
> We haven't had a reason to use MySQL with Python for a few years now,
> so I'm not going to try again... but that's what I recall.

Silly me. I noticed a -arch ppc64 in the log I pasted, for some  
reason I had absentmindedly installed the 64-bit PPC MySQL package,  
which I really don't need. 32-bit works fine.

My uninformed guess is that 32-bit Python/64 bit MySQL will never let  
their children marry each other.

Thanks for the quick response (as always),


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