[Pythonmac-SIG] [Numpy-discussion] Problem with numpy on Leopard

Boyd Waters bwaters at nrao.edu
Fri Nov 2 19:21:39 CET 2007

On Nov 2, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Brian Granger wrote:

>  Now under Leopard, this becomes "python setup.py install" +
> muck with PYTHONPATH or .pth files.

I'm not sure it's that bad.

We ship a fairly complex science application. You might call it a  
very large set of Python extensions, but the C++ code is way bigger  
than the Python. Parts of our build system are 15 years old, and  
we're not set up to build everything from a top-level "setup.py". So  
I've not yet learned how to make py2app work for me.

Instead, I ship a Mac application bundle. On Tiger, it's an  
Applescript thing, that launches a bash shell script, that sets up  
the Python path to point to the app bundle first, and then launches  
the Python that's included in the app bundle. Since I don't know  
enough Python system engineering, I ship the entire Python distro  
inside the application.

That's for Tiger. It's rock-solid for the end user, no matter what  
they have installed elsewhere.

On Leopard, I'll still put all of my Python extensions inside my  
Application bundle, and I'll still use a launcher (perhaps written in  
PyObjC, since I know it will be there) that sets up the path.

The user will just double-click the application icon.


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