[Pythonmac-SIG] more tab completion issues.

Michael VanLandingham m.vanland at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 02:44:20 CET 2007

Following along the whole rlcompleter/readline/editline thread, I noticed
today that when I do tab completion on a class, I get everything listed
twice.Happens in python and ipython.
>>> i = int(5)
>>> i
>>> i.__
Display all 121 possibilities? (y or n)
i.__abs__           i.__abs__           i.__add__           i.__add__

i.__and__           i.__and__           i.__class__         i.__class__

I don't see duplicates if I do 'dir(i)'

Is anyone else seeing this behavior?  Any ideas why?  Something in the
rlcompleter or readline...  Seems to occur with any class.

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