[Pythonmac-SIG] Py2app syntax error

Shawn Miranda shawnmiranda2 at comcast.net
Mon Jun 25 08:46:13 CEST 2007

On 23 Jun, 2007, at 8:27, Shawn Miranda wrote:


I'm reposting this just to make the subject heading clearer.  The 
previous post was my first and I didn't quite realize how it works.

Perhaps someone could tell me why I'm getting a syntax error when I run 
py2app.  I have used it successfully with some simple scripts including 
a couple of Tkinter GUI scripts, but I'm fairly new to Python and 
py2app so it could be something quite simple. The scripts do run when I 
run them from the command line.  For example:

from Tkinter import Label

widget = Label(None, text = "It works!")



Thanks, Shawn

I'm currently running Python 2.3 on OS 10.3.9.

What is the error that you're getting? I cannot reproduce this on 
10.4.10 with Python 2.5. Including the setup.py file you're using to 
build the example you included would also be helpfull.


Thanks, Ronald, for taking an interest in this.

The error I get is:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The terminal shows the script and points to the last brace of 

The setup.py file I'm using is:

#!/usr/bin/env python
py2app build script for MyApplication

     python setup.py py2app
from distutils.core import setup

This same setup script works just fine with:

# File: hello1.py

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

w = Label(root, text="Hello, world!")


Both GUI scripts work just fine from the command line.
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