[Pythonmac-SIG] mdutils

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Jun 1 16:41:10 CEST 2007

On Friday, June 01, 2007, at 03:53PM, "Jan H. Jensen" <jhjensen at kemi.ku.dk> wrote:
>has anyone managed to use mdutils on a mac?

Could you be a bit more specific, such as: what is mdutils in the first place? If you mean the system tool mdutil ("manage the metadata stores used by Spotlight"), I've used it without problems but that's not related to Python.

>Thanks, Jan
>Jan H. Jensen				Associate Research Professor
>Department of Chemistry			jhjensen at kemi.ku.dk
>University of Copenhagen		Phone: +45 35 32 02 39
>Universitetsparken 5			FAX:   +45 35 32 02 14
>2100 Copenhagen				Denmark
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