[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app and ghostscript

Jeremy Gibbs gibbz at ou.edu
Thu Aug 16 04:37:33 CEST 2007

I am testing out wxpython and py2app. I have a simple GUI that acts  
as a front-end to a vector graphics software package.
The software writes images in .eps format. wxPython needs jpg format  
to view.
I use PIL to open .eps and save as .jpg
When I run the script from the command line it works great.
However, when I use py2app, it will create the .eps file, but barfs  
on PILs conversion of eps to jpg.
I understand PIl uses gs  to do this conversion.
The system console gave the message "gs command not found"
So it is apparent that i am not having py2app package the correct  
ghostscript libraries etc. to work.
Does anyone know what the command for py2app would be to include  
everything in the app that ghostscript needs to work?


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