[Pythonmac-SIG] Macintosh modules/Carbon/documentation

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Mon Apr 2 14:02:25 CEST 2007

On 2 Apr 2007, at 09:21, Jack Jansen wrote:

>> Furthermore, this stumbling block has a stumbling block of its own:
>> bgen. There's very few folk around who understand it at all, and no
>> documentation (AFAIK) for anyone else to make sense of it.
> I'm committed to bgen, for at least the next couple of years.

Good man - deserve a medal, so you do.

> But unfortunately getting the &*^$ thing in better shape for  
> initial use is something that keeps slipping:-(

Yeah, cleaning up APIs and internals and writing good user docs is  
well and truly teh suk as jobs go. Without it though, I think you'll  
have a very tough time convincing others to help share the load.  
(e.g. I wouldn't mind contributing if/where I could, seeing as I rely  
on some of it myself, but for now it's just beyond me.)



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