[Pythonmac-SIG] Why Do I Explicitly Need MacPython

Frank Niessink frank at niessink.com
Tue Sep 26 22:35:11 CEST 2006

Russell E. Owen:
> In article <451976A9.5050102 at niessink.com>,
>  Frank Niessink <frank at niessink.com> wrote:
>> macdist: icons i18n
>>          $(PYTHON) make.py py2app
>>          hdiutil create -ov -imagekey zlib-level=9 -srcfolder 
>> build/TaskCoach.app dist/TaskCoach.dmg
> Yes, I was thinking of using hdituil when I suggested it. However, Bob 
> Ippolito would prefer that bdist_mpkg *not* be capable of making disk 
> images of packages. He's fine with py2app making .dmg files so it may be 
> worth submitting a patch for that. Are you offering?

Would it be an option to simply call hdiutil from py2app, simply 
assuming it is available on the path? If that is acceptable I might take 
a shot at it.

Cheers, Frank

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