[Pythonmac-SIG] How to I covert a Mac framework into a python module

samantha sjatkins at mac.com
Sun Sep 10 12:12:59 CEST 2006

Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2006, at 7:59 AM, Samantha Atkins wrote:
>> I see all of these nice apparent python modules for Foundation,
>> SyncServices, etc. corresponding to several objc frameworks.  I would
>> like to know how these are made and especially how to update them when
>> the underlying frameworks have changed.  Thanks for any leads.
> Those are part of PyObjC. Changes to classes are picked up automaticly 
> (the frameworks are scanned for Objective-C classes and their methods 
> when the wrapper module is loaded), constants and global functions are 
> picked up when PyObjC is build from source.
> The binary installer for the latest release of PyObjC (at 
> http://pyobjc.sf.net) should be fairly complete and I consider missing 
> values a bug.
> Ronald

Well I am working on pre-release of Leopard so it is not surprising to 
me that some things are not there.  In particular I have noticed some 
formal protocols are missing.   If there is automatic scanning going on 
it is missing a few things.   Is there a way I can manually patch things 
up?  If someone will point me to the scanning code I will be glad to do 
some digging and debugging.

- samantha

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