[Pythonmac-SIG] pyserial. am I using it wrong?

adam naples adam.naples at yale.edu
Wed Nov 22 20:49:49 CET 2006

Hi, I'm running Tiger with a keyspan usb to serial adapter.
I'm trying to get python to communicate with an eye-tracker that  
continually spits out coordinates
everything seems fine when I import the module, but it seems like it  
only reads in the first 1020 lines of data when create a new serial  
object and then stops listening to the serial port. When I use  
flushInput() it empties the buffer, but then nothing comes back into  
it, and I can verify that the eye-tracker is still sending.

the code is pretty much like this
 >>>import serial
#make a serial object
 >>>ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.KeySerial1', 19200, timeout=1)
 >>> x = ser.readline()
 >>> x
'\x82J\x00 263.0\t\r\n'

#now when I flush the input, because I want the up-to-date coordinates
#it empties the buffer
 >>> ser.flushInput()
#I would expect that it would flush the input buffer and let me get  
at the most current set of coordinates, but instead I get nothing

is something  wrong with pyserial? am I using it wrong? if I use  
director(ugh) it reads the serial data just fine, and continually.
any help would be great.

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