[Pythonmac-SIG] Trouble with appscript install location

Michael Toomim toomim at ocf.berkeley.edu
Wed Nov 15 03:26:17 CET 2006

has wrote:
> The appscript installer should install the following items into site- 
> packages:
> aeosa/
> aeosa.pth
> The .pth file should contain the relative path to the aeosa directory  
> (aeosa), and Python's import mechanism should follow that path when  
> looking for modules to import. (Py2App and PyObjC often use the same  
> approach.)

Hm, well I guess the .pth file didn't work on my machine for some reason.

Also FWIW the uninstaller readme and script don't mention the aeosa/ 
directory; they assume the files are in site-packages/.

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