[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.5 installation error on MAC OS 10.4.5

James Anderson james.anderson at icr.ac.uk
Mon Nov 6 19:21:36 CET 2006

Hi there,

I've been having trouble getting python 2.5 installed on my mac  
running OS 10.4.5; hoping someone will be kind enough to point me in  
the right direction.

The immediate problem is as follows: I can download the MacPython  
2.5 .dmg, mount it and run the installer, but it seems to get right  
to the end and then say "There were errors installing the software.   
Please try installing again".   The installer log then shows the  
following errors:

   BomFatalError - cpio read error:  bad file format
   Package Authoring Error:  Package "PythonFramework-2.5.pkg" is  
using a deprecated archive format. Running in compatibility mode.
   BomFatalError - cpio read error:  bad file format
   Package Authoring Error:  Package "PythonApplications-2.5.pkg" is  
using a deprecated archive format. Running in compatibility mode.
   BomFatalError - cpio read error:  bad file format
   Package Authoring Error:  Package "PythonUnixTools-2.5.pkg" is  
using a deprecated archive format. Running in compatibility mode.
   BomFatalError - cpio read error:  bad file format
   Package Authoring Error:  Package "PythonDocumentation-2.5.pkg" is  
using a deprecated archive format. Running in compatibility mode.
   Install failed:  The following install step failed: run postflight  
script for Fix system Python

It seems like that final error is the fatal one, but I've no idea how  
to go about fixing it.  I have tried compiling from source as well,  
but ran into errors there too—figured I'd focus on trying to fix this  
first and only move on to the build error if necessary.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
James Anderson

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