[Pythonmac-SIG] Status of PyObjC port to Intel OS X

Daniel Lord daniellord at mac.com
Wed May 17 17:11:05 CEST 2006

On May 17, 2006, at 2:33, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

>>>>>> Daniel Lord <daniellord at mac.com> (DL) wrote:
>> DL> Question for the group: if I modify the environment through  
>> os.environ
>> DL> ['PATH'], will Finder applications pick that up or is it just  
>> for the
>> DL> shell? Yes I need to RTFM and try it, but this is a stream-of-
>> DL> consciousness email over lunch and I have a full plate for this
>> DL> afternoon. Besides, what's a community for anyway? ;-)
> Changes to os.environ only apply to the process in which it will be
> executed and to its children. This applies to all changes to the
> environment variables, no matter how they are accomplished. So to  
> set the
> environment for the Finder can only be done before (or while)  
> launching the
> Finder.

Piet thanks, but I knew that about environment UNIX inheritance my  
questions is bit more arcane and I'll have to research it myself  
because I am ignorant in this area (I suppsoe the documentation for  
Launch Services or something has the answer right up front):

If I launch an app from the shell with the 'open' command , not by  
double-clicking in the FInder, which environment is used: the  
Finder's or the Shells or is there some combination of the two with  
some mapping and precedence scheme? That's what I meant to ask ;-)

(the Real daniel, not 'just' a Dutch impostor ;-)

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