[Pythonmac-SIG] Application without py2app?

Thorsten Kohnhorst monsterkodi at gmx.net
Mon May 15 19:54:12 CEST 2006

Hello Ronald,

thanks for the fast reply.

>> I would like to know if it is possible to create an Cocoa application
>> without using py2app.
> Sure, you can build the .app bundle by hand. Apple's website documents
> the structure of bundles.

Well, I am happy with the bundle that was generated by py2app.
I just want to start the application from the python script and not
from the generated executable (see below).

>> So far I managed to load the nib from a path by calling
>> 	NibClassBuilder._nibInfo._extractClassesFromNibFromPath(nibFilePath)
>> instead of
>> 	NibClassBuilder.extractClasses(nibFile)
> That's wrong, methods starting with underscores should be  
> considered private. Furthermore this has nothing to do with py2app.

Yes, I know.
I already found out that I can accomplish the same by specifying the  
bundle explicitly:

bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_("./build/Development/krix.app")
info = bundle.infoDictionary()[u'PyObjCXcode']
for nibFile in info[u'NIBFiles']:
	NibClassBuilder.extractClasses(nibFile, bundle)

But the app still exits with this message:

>> 	Python[310] No Info.plist file in application bundle or no
>> NSPrincipalClass in the Info.plist file, exiting
>> This is probably because the Pythons bundle is used.
>> Does anybody know how to tell the application to use another bundle?
> Which brings us to the main point: I have no idea what you are  
> trying to accomplish.
> If I had to guess I'd guess that you want to create a python GUI  
> without using an .app bundle. That is possible, but not recommended  
> (hence the lack of details about how to do this ;-))

No, I am fine using an application bundle.
It's just that the IDE I am trying to use (SPE) seems to know nothing  
about executables.
And I guess that the included debugger might only work if the  
application is started from a python script.

If there was another way to use a python IDE with a debugger I won't  
care about how exactly the app is started.

I hope I made myself clearer now.
Thanks again for your fast reply.

Yours kodi

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