[Pythonmac-SIG] Marking the pre-built extensions as Intel-capable...

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Mar 28 03:33:25 CEST 2006

On Mar 27, 2006, at 4:57 PM, Christopher Barker wrote:

> Christopher Barker wrote:
>> Then yes, that's a great idea. I am, as we e-speak, reworking  
>> those pages with a different structure now. I'm no web designer,  
>> but it should give us something that someone can make prettier if  
>> they want.
> First I added a link to the packages page at the top of the main  
> pythonmac.org page.
> I've enclosed a simple rearrangement of the pythonmac.org/packages  
> page. What I've done is create a separate page for each supported  
> build. As the packages built for 10.3 will also work on 10.4, I  
> double listed them, so that a 10.4 user could just go to that page,  
> and see everything that they can use.
> I also put a link in  to download the python builds themselves, why  
> not be able to get it all from one place?
> Ultimately, we really should have some little semi-automated tool  
> that would make it easy to add a new package to the list, updated  
> the page. For now, doing by hand is not too big a deal, and I  
> don't' want to mess with tools before we settle on a page layout.
> The pages are enclosed as a zip file. Ii hope anyone who is  
> interested will give feedback.

Cool, I'll take a look at this probably tomorrow.  The package list  
is currently automated using a dumb little script.. check this:
# the input data
# the script


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