[Pythonmac-SIG] Recurring question - which python should I use?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Mar 14 15:21:38 CET 2006

On Mar 14, 2006, at 5:44 AM, Rodney Somerstein wrote:

> As the title of this message asks, which Python should I use? And
> why? From following discussions here, I know why I don't want to use
> the built in Apple Python.
> So, that leaves 2 choices that both seem good, the macpython
> framework build and ActiveState. The main reason that I would want to
> use the "official" framework build is that it is endorsed by this
> community. It is, however, a volunteer effort and actually states
> that it is usually one micro-version behind the most recent. For
> ActiveState, it seems to be well supported and more up to date.
> Though I understand that there could be issues that people here might
> have trouble helping me with because I'm using a different Python.
> So, why would I really want to use one vs. the other? Will I have a
> harder time finding cross-platform packages that work with the
> ActiveState build? Am I going to have to compile many of the packages
> that I want anyway, regardless of the Python I use? Other than
> possible commercial distribution issues are there any real
> disadvantages of ActiveState's distribution? How about the "official"
> framework build? What is one or the other missing that is present in
> the other one?

There is very little difference between ActiveState Python 2.4.2 and  
the 2.4.1 release.  The 2.4.1 release ships with a working readline,  
and ActiveState's doesn't need the header fix for distutils on 10.4.

At this point your best bet is probably to use the universal branch  
of 2.4.2.  Ronald has recently posted binaries to this list.  You  
will have some trouble making redistributable app bundles with this  
one for now, but that should be resolved sometime soon.


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