[Pythonmac-SIG] indentation problem

gandreas at gandreas.com gandreas at gandreas.com
Fri Mar 10 16:28:06 CET 2006

On Mar 10, 2006, at 4:31 AM, altern wrote:

> hi all
> i have been developing some tutorials with PyOxide and now i find that
> when i open them on Smultron the indentation is wrong. Students are  
> vey
> likely to be using Smultron (no need to insatall pyObjC).

I would strongly recommend switching from PyOXIDE to ScrIDE <http:// 

1) ScrIDE doesn't require PyObjC to be installed
2) ScrIDE does pretty much everything that PyOXIDE did (including  
full source level debugging)
3) ScrIDE has features that PyOXIDE doesn't
4) ScrIDE is more stable
5) ScrIDE is easier to extend with custom scripts (which can do more  
6) ScrIDE has a much brighter future (bugs in ScrIDE will be fixed,  
features added, while PyOXIDE is pretty much "end of life")

Glenn Andreas                      gandreas at gandreas.com
  <http://www.gandreas.com/> wicked fun!
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know

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