[Pythonmac-SIG] Postgresql

Russell E. Owen rowen at cesmail.net
Thu Mar 9 22:40:56 CET 2006

In article 
<d959f9b30603082125x3e6e8b33p37a1124d4c056f5e at mail.gmail.com>,
 "Lee Hinde" <leehinde at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all;
> I'm having a heck of a time getting Python to talk to Postgres. My
> near-term goal is to play with Pylons, but I would like to get a
> simple 'Insert "Hello World"' going first.
> Before I regale you with my travails, I'd be grateful for pointers to
> FAQs, tips, etc. I.e., I really want to do my homework first.

I use pypgsql (which I installed from source). It seems to work fine. 
All DB-API-2 clients work about the same for the basics, but the connect 
method varies.

-- Russell

P.S. you might find the routines in RO.SQLUtil handy (for your own use 
or as an example). See 

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