[Pythonmac-SIG] updated universal python installer (rc1?)

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Mar 8 22:43:26 CET 2006

I've spent some time on an 10.3 box and updated the installer as a  
result of that.

The universal python installer should now be complete, except for  
remaining bugs obviously. I have however not tested it on an Intel  
box yet.

* The installer works on 10.3 and 10.4
* regrtest -uall passes on 10.3/ppc, 10.4/ppc
* compiling extensions works on 10.3
* the existing (non-universal) wxPython installer installs fine and  
results in a working wxPython installation (on PPC only of course) on  
10.3, which indicates that existing C++ extensions should work just  
fine with the universal build
* IDLE works, including the local documentation
* Profile updater works

New from the previous release:
* Locally installed documentation can be accessed from IDLE
* Minor changes to the profile updater, and it is now also installed  
in /Application/MacPython 2.4
* Building extensions works on 10.3
* Various minor bugfixes

There is one minor issue: the curses module doesn't work on OSX 10.3,  
the extension is linked to a version of libncurses that isn't  
available on 10.3.

Please test this version and let me know of the results (both  
negative and positive). Unless major issues turn up we can do a  
golden release this weekend. That release will NOT have new icons, we  
can do a new release with updated icons later on.

The installer is in the Public folder of my iDisk: http:// 

I'm switching to this version for my daily work, and will be working  
on a universal build for PyObjC and friends.


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