[Pythonmac-SIG] Download page on www.python.org now updated

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Mar 3 18:24:36 CET 2006

On 3-mrt-2006, at 0:27, Kevin Ollivier wrote:
> Of course, if you do so and say the issue is settled, I'm going to  
> be more than a little upset because I was asked to look into  
> generating an icon, I have done so and even found someone who has  
> already done some initial work on it, and I'm going to have to tell  
> this person to scrap their work simply because you guys are  
> impatient. We're not working on your dime, you know. You and Chris  
> asked for a favor and I agreed, and in fact I put a fair amount of  
> time into researching what was out there and finally found someone  
> interested a few days ago, but then when I can't produce something  
> for you at lightning speed you just want to say forget it? I mean,  
> seriously, you can't wait a few weeks on changing an icon that has  
> been used for what, almost a decade?

Please don't stop working on an icon.  The current icon-set has been  
ancient looking for years now, there's no need to rush this. I  
wouldn't mind if the new icons wouldn't be introduced until Python  
2.5, that should give us enough time to pick a new icon. Rushing this  
would only increase the chance that we'd pick an icon that we don't  
really like and have to change again soon.

And for the record: I'm not really thrilled by the icon on  
beta.python.org. I can live with it if it would get picked, but it  
isn't a very compelling image.


> Kevin
>> Bill
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