[Pythonmac-SIG] Download page on www.python.org now updated

Paul Berkowitz berkowit at silcom.com
Thu Mar 2 19:25:31 CET 2006

On 3/2/06 9:55 AM, "Bill Janssen" <janssen at parc.com> wrote:

> Ron Oussoren writes:
>> The 16 ton icon stays until someone brings a better alternative.
> W. R. Wing writes:
>> I LIKE the python squeezing the apple.  The 16 ton icon is not only
>> amateurish, it is so indirect an "in" joke as to be inscrutable to
>> anyone coming new to the party.
> I agree with Wing.  So there *is* a better alternative, and there's
> now a MacPython.icns file at
> http://bill.janssen.org/mac/MacPython.icns with the snake wrapped
> around the Apple.  Feel free to use it where it fits.

That leads to a web page that looks like this:

È·Š™™†‰wwtx‚»ÃÒÙ³œ¿Öž|c–§ §ž››œy|¤B€}‚rS?8HYoƒ{‚;€s€cn{‚t9|{šÍ€Lz
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(ad infinitum). Was it maybe supposed to have a different type of encoding,
or URL address? If there's another way to access it in Safari, I can't find
it. If I remove the "MacPython.icns" from the URL I get a Forbidden. If I
remove just the ".icns", I get a nice 404. If I remove "mac/MacPython.icns"
I get to your main page, but don't see a link.
> But Ron objects:
>> The page looks fine, but it might be better to remove the icon or
>> replace it by the current MacPython icon (the 16 ton weight).
> The 16-ton weight screams "done by amateurs for a toy computer".  The
> sooner it's stamped out, the better.
> And further explains:
>> It's not that I don't like the snake, but some people claim a
>> lifelike snake will scare some (potential) users and furthermore the
>> snake-icon isn't actually used by MacPython (yet?).
> As we know, some people will claim anything.  The snake/apple icon is
> all over the MacPython pages, that's where it comes from.  The new
> Python web site has finally switched to a snake-based logo, as well.
> As for scaring users:  I feel sympathy for folks who have pathological
> fears of almost anything, including drawings of snakes.  I think,
> though, it might be kinder to repel those folks immediately, rather
> than helping them overcome their incipient nausea at the very idea of
> a language called "Python", and getting to use it.  Such use might
> cause a nasty amount of subconscious angst, expressed in -- who knows
> -- continuous nightmares?  Random acts of violence?
> Surely better to act up front!  More snakes on the web page!

 The 16-ton icon looks horrible. I'm keen to see the snake, if you can
provide a link that works. Thanks.

But I think Donovan has the right idea. The new official Python icon looks
great. This is Python, use the Python logo.

Paul Berkowitz

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