[Pythonmac-SIG] Building universal PyOpenGL

Black python at blackslens.com
Sun Jun 25 19:28:41 CEST 2006

I had exactly the same problem when I tried to compile PyOpenGL on my  
MacBook Pro. However, my searching on the Internet went a little  
better than yours. I found an older post on the PyOpenGL list that  
actually had  fix.

It turns out that the problem is that the wrong stat.h is being used.  
All you need to do is remove /System/Library/Frameworks/ 
Kernel.framework/Headers from the list of include_dirs in the  
darwin.cfg file in the config directory. I removed it and it compiled  
like a charm.

It took me a little longer to get OpenGL and wxPython working happily  
together as the package on pythonmac has a broken glcanvas so I had  
to roll my own version. That only took me a little while because I  
did a configure/make/make install _before_ reading the READMEs and  
while I know better than that, I don't always pay attention to myself...

On Jun 21, 2006, at 10:11 PM, Kent Quirk wrote:

> Hi. I got my new MacBook and looked on pythonmac.org for prebuilt
> packages for universal python 2.4.3. I've got wxPython and it seems to
> work, but I also need PyOpenGL, and it's not listed up there. So I got
> the source and I'm trying to build it.
> The problem is that it's not building -- many of the source files  
> fail with:
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework/Headers/sys/stat.h:225:
> error: field 'st_atimespec' has incomplete type
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework/Headers/sys/stat.h:226:
> error: field 'st_mtimespec' has incomplete type
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework/Headers/sys/stat.h:227:
> error: field 'st_ctimespec' has incomplete type

> So...I guess what I'm looking for is advice on which direction to
> pursue. Is there a valid fix that can be made to PyOpenGL source that
> would address this? Should I submit a bug report and/or patch to the
> Python people? To Apple? I'd like to get to the point of a useful
> universal build of PyOpenGL.
> Advice?
>        Kent
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