[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app with X11/Tkinter app

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sun Jun 18 22:16:52 CEST 2006

On Jun 18, 2006, at 1:05 PM, Kevin Walzer wrote:

> I've installed py2app with my X11-based build of Python, and have  
> tried
> to run the "hello world" sample. py2app fails with this error message:
> ValueError: '/usr/local/python-unix/lib/libpython2.4.dylib' does  
> not exist
> /usr/local/python-unix/lib/python2.4/site-packages/py2app/macholib/ 
> MachOGraph.py(58)run_file()
> - -> raise ValueError, '%r does not exist' % (pathname,)
> (Pdb) exit
> Is py2app compatible with non-framework builds of Python? If not,  
> how do
> other people distribute X11 (non-framework) Python GUI applications? A
> pkg installer, or wrap everything manually in an app bundle with a  
> stub
> launcher (such as those created by Platypus)?

It was compatible with unix builds at one point, but it hasn't been  
tested with one in quite some time. If you figure out what the  
problem is, patches are definitely accepted.


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