[Pythonmac-SIG] Carbon wrappers and bugs on the SF tracker

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sat Jun 10 18:13:21 CEST 2006

The first beta of python 2.5 is getting close (the planned release  
date is jun 14th). There have been complaints in the past about the  
quality of the Carbon bindings (anything in the Carbon namespace in  
python, which includes stuff that isn't actually part of Carbon such  
as QuickTime).

It would be nice if we could fix at least some of those problems  
before 2.5 is out. That will obviously not happen all by itself. I'd  
appriate if people that actually use this functionality could at  
least write down the problems they run into, actual patches would be  
even better. The prefered mode for writing down issues are items on  
the SF trackers assigned to me, but feel free to post e-mail messages  
if you don't want to use the SF tracker.

Related to this is documentation: there was talk about improving the  
mac-specific documentation a while back, but as far as I know nothing  
actually happened. Again any help would be appriated. The most  
glaring omission right now is a generic description of how the  
wrappers in the Carbon namespace actually work (that is, an  
introduction to chapter 4 in the documentation at http:// 
docs.python.org/dev/mac/mac.html). Most of chapter one can be  
removed, and I'll probably add a deprecation warning to chapter 3  
(OSA support) and point people to appscript instead.


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