[Pythonmac-SIG] ANN: ActivePython is now available

Kent Quirk kquirk at solidworks.com
Wed Jan 25 01:35:46 CET 2006

In the hopes of avoiding some redundant work...I happen to be sitting in
a workshop at the Apple campus as I speak, and one of the Apple
engineers here has just modified the Apple 2.3.5 build system to work
with 2.4.2, and to build a Universal version of Python 2.4.2. I haven't
run a full suite of tests, but it does appear to work.

He has promised that he's going to post those changes to the
pythonmac.org wiki Real Soon Now, hopefully today. 

There is a problem with it, which is that it builds into
/System/Library/Frameworks. I've sent him email asking for that to
change, but I don't know where that will end up.

Nonetheless, many of the problems have already been solved, and
hopefully the (intermediate) result will be posted very soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: pythonmac-sig-bounces at python.org
[mailto:pythonmac-sig-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of bear
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:00 PM
To: Trent Mick
Cc: pythonmac-sig at python.org
Subject: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] ANN: ActivePython is now available

Trent Mick wrote:
> I suspect that ultimately a universal Python build is the right
answer, but 
> details and issues around that should be discussed here. I'd like to
> where I can, but I know that there are folks on this list more
> than I am about the issues involved. Any feedback would be

I'm also just starting down the path of creating a Universal Binary 
build of Python 2.4.2 and would love to help ferret out all of the 
issues involved.  I'm not anywhere near the level of guru-ness that 
others are for OS X builds but I have the time and an Intel iMac that I 
can use to do builds on.

So far I've been reading the preliminary work that Bob has done and I've

been starting to wade thru the Apple dev docs but have yet to construct 
a configure line that works :)

Let me know what I can do to help.  Pointers to how you guys are doing 
the builds would help :)


Build and Release Engineer
Open Source Applications Foundation (OSAF)
bear at osafoundation.org

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