[Pythonmac-SIG] Newbie troubles with MacPython 2.4.1 / Tiger 10.4.3

Mark Asbach mark.asbach at post.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Jan 4 11:37:12 CET 2006

Hi Christopher, hi Bob,

>> Then I started up the PackageManager and tried  to get those  
>> modules that I need.
> PackageManager is no longer being maintained. You can find a lot of  
> packages (including numarray) at:
> http://www.pythonmac.org/packages/

thanks a lot for the quick answers!

Maybe it would be helpful to not distribute PackageManager with the  
MacPython installer package any longer or at least provide  
information on this topic in a prominent location. I've edited the  
MacPython wiki page at http://wiki.python.org/moin/MacPython to  
reflect the current status of PackageManager.

Jack: as your MacPython page was the first page that I found googling  
for python on Mac topics, it would be nice if you found the time to  
update the "News" section on http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython/  
and the OS X page http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython/macpython- 
osx.html to at least give some hints on where to find the current  
releases and modules. It's quite confusing to have mac / python  
documentation split over so many places on the web and it's even more  
confusing to find contradictory information on them.

There's also a Wiki on pythonmac.org that I edited to reflect those  
changes. Unfortunately it contains a lot of information that is  
outdated / useless with the 'official unofficial' builds from http:// 

I'll post a second message on MacPython documentation status.

Thanks for your efforts,


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