[Pythonmac-SIG] Adding Qt designer image files to py2app

Terry Jones tcj25 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 4 00:08:13 CET 2006

Apologies for a Qt question - but it is python, mac, py2app related:

I have just started using Qt Designer (still under Qt 3.3.4). I've made a
simple form, converted it to python via pyuic, and I can subclass it and
run it. But when I do, none of the images (visible in Qt Designer) appear.
I get messages:

    QPixmap::fromMimeSource: Cannot find pixmap "filenew" in the mime source factory
    QPixmap::fromMimeSource: Cannot find pixmap "fileopen" in the mime source factory
    QPixmap::fromMimeSource: Cannot find pixmap "filesave" in the mime source factory
    QPixmap::fromMimeSource: Cannot find pixmap "print" in the mime source factory

I tried adding the image files (which are present in the directory where
I'm saving the designer forms) to my setup.py:

    data_files = [ ('images', ['images/filenew', 'images/fileopen', 'images/filesave', 'images/print']) ],

When I use py2app to build this, the image files are placed into
dist/mainform.app/Contents/Resources/images, but when I open the app, Qt is
still not finding them.

Can anyone tell me what I should be doing here? Also, is the solution
different for Mac apps? I.e., should my setup.py place the images elsewhere
for linux, windows, etc?

Thanks for any help,

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