[Pythonmac-SIG] Unintsaller for Universal

kevin parks kevin at macosx.com
Thu Apr 20 04:55:01 CEST 2006

Hi... I been happily running 2.4.1 on my mac but i decided to load the 
universal installer on a different mac (that we plan to use for 
performance) and use 2.4.3 ... i mean why install and old version right 
  ... uhmm ... anyway 2.4.3 is causing me much acid indigestion and is 
not playing nice with an audio package that i use and depend on..  
(http://www.rtcmix.org) .... clearly i me and the folks who make rtcmix 
don't know enough about distutils to be on the cutting edge... I am 
desperate to dumb down to 2.4.1 and reinstall my rtcmix install with 
that (since i know it works on the other mac that way just fine) .... 
My understanding from reading this SIG is that this puppy would have a 
clean UNINSTALLER ... yet i don't see it...  How do i uninstall 2.4.3? 
so that i can dial back to 2.4.1? or am i screwed?



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