[Pythonmac-SIG] Fixing the documentation...

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Apr 19 22:25:00 CEST 2006

On 19-apr-2006, at 22:11, Kevin Walzer wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>>>>        4.2 Carbon.AH -- Apple Help
>>> Do nothing.
>> Documentation would be nice :-)
> I might be able to help here. I've actually used this module in
> non-Python apps (I used to use in Tcl/Tk apps by exec'ing 'python -c
> "from Carbon.AH...") and Aquamacs still loads its help docs this  
> way. A
> Tkinter app I'm developing will also use this.
> What's the format for documentation? Who should it be sent to?

The format is a dialect of LaTeX, but supplying just plain text  
should be
fine to as the documentation maintainers will convert it to the proper
format if needed. Any documentation should be uploaded as a patch on


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