[Pythonmac-SIG] Mac Python is DEAD

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Apr 19 20:59:01 CEST 2006

On 18-apr-2006, at 22:59, Advertising Department wrote:

> (I'm totally confused about the nine versions of python for Mac OS X,
> the defunct or just not updated for 2 years MacPython pages, the
> current state of the macintosh specific library modules, etc.)
> To give my 2 cents...
> It doesn't really matter about a logo, icon, or universal build. If
> there is no recent info on the OFFICIAL python.org linked web pages,
> most new users will think it's become defunct, and look no further.

Sorry? There is a link to a python installer for macosx on python.org.
We can't help that google points users that search for MacPython to  
site who has basically disappeared and hasn't updated his site for a
long time.

It is annoying that www.python.org/download/mac doesn't mention the
universal installer. Could someone please fix that?


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