[Pythonmac-SIG] Photoshop events from Python

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Mon Apr 17 21:08:04 CEST 2006

Anand wrote:

>Our application which runs on Mac OS X, uses the API Suite generated by GenSuiteModule (provided by python) to communicate to Photoshop CS.
>The API works fine in most of the cases but throws this exception when there are additional dialogs shown by Photoshop CS like when the file is corrupt or some fonts used in the document are not available: -
>TypeError: unpack non-sequence

That particular error looks like it's coming from the GSM-generated glue module, aepack, aetools and/or aetypes, presumably due to a bug there. I would imagine what you should be seeing is an Apple event timeout error, MacOS.Error(-1712). But GSM et-al have long been flaky and are well past their 'best by' date now [1], so a fix is unlikely short of doing it yourself.

As for ways to dismiss those pesky PS dialogs, you may get a PS scripting expert here who can answer that, otherwise your best bet is to ask on one of the Photoshop/AppleScript lists since I'm sure folks there run into the same problem often enough:

(Don't have a link for Adobe's forums, but they're not hard to find.)



[1] Appscript is the new goodness: <http://freespace.virgin.net/hamish.sanderson/appscript.html>.

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