[Pythonmac-SIG] Install location

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Apr 11 00:47:00 CEST 2006

On Apr 10, 2006, at 3:11 PM, Trent Mick wrote:

> [Bob Ippolito wrote]
>> On Apr 10, 2006, at 2:29 PM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>>> On 10-apr-2006, at 23:14, Trent Mick wrote:
>>>> The old (now deprecated) Mac "Python IDE.app" was never included in
>>>> ActivePython.
>>> Good for you! I hope we can completely remove it for Python 2.5   
>>> (and
>>> my the universal build also doesn't install it)
>> I'd bet they had to exclude it for licensing reasons anyway.
> Huh? The main reason I didn't include "Python IDE" along with the  
> waste
> libs was that they obviously were ancient, unmaintained and didn't
> provide near the functionality of other facilities (pyobjc instead of
> the waste stuff, IDLE and other free editors instead of Python IDE).

Well, the WASTE license isn't all that friendly.  I'd have thrown it  
out for that reason alone.


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