[Pythonmac-SIG] ActiveState's OS X Python

Trent Mick trentm at ActiveState.com
Sat Jun 18 00:33:03 CEST 2005

[Bob Ippolito wrote]
> Well, there is the license:
> "You may make and give away verbatim copies of this Package for  
> personal use, or for use within your organization, provided that you  
> duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated  
> disclaimers. You may not distribute copies of this Package, or copies  
> of packages derived from this Package, to others outside your  
> organization without specific prior written permission from  
> ActiveState (although you are encouraged to direct them to sources  
> from which they may obtain it for themselves)."
> I read this as:
> You can't use py2app (cx_Freeze, py2exe, ...) without written  
> permission.

Thanks for bringing this up, and my apologies for taking a while to
respond. I wanted to get this right. As I mentioned to you at WWDC our
intention with ActivePython is definitely to allow usage of py2app,
py2exe, and other wrapping tools. The ActivePython license has been
updated to clarify this:


    In addition to the above allowed uses, this license does allow for
    the redistribution of parts of the Package together with other
    software code in a wrapped format, including but not limited to a
    format wrapped with executable generators such as "py2app" or
    "py2exe". However, if you wish to redistribute the complete Package
    either as a standalone distribution or in a wrapped format, you
    must obtain written permission from ActiveState. ActiveState may
    charge a fee for such license. To obtain permission for
    redistribution or clarification regarding your particular intended
    use of the Package, please contact us at: sales at ActiveState.com.

I'll have a new ActivePython package for OS X out next week with this
license update in addition to a few changes so that py2app and
ActivePython play more nicely together. Current a py2app build will
break looking for the version.plist file in ActivePython's framework
install dir.

I hope that the license clarification alleviates people's concerns.


Trent Mick
TrentM at ActiveState.com

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