[Pythonmac-SIG] late start with tiger

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Fri Jul 29 05:55:22 CEST 2005

Scott Frankel wrote:
> I've just migrated a machine to Tiger and have a question about the 
> "official unofficial" mac version of python.2.4.1.
> Why would /usr/bin/python still be linked to python2.3 after the 
> install?

Because we shouldn't mess with Apple's stuff. /usr/bin is off-limits. 
The Python 2.4.1 installer installs


> I downloaded and installed MacPython 2.4.1 from undefined.org.  I also 
> downloaded and installed both TigerPython24Fix and TigerPython23Compat. 
>   If I execute python 2.4 using an explicit path to 
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/bin/python2.4, then 
> python2.4 launches happily (with readlines!).  But if I execute the 
> python specified in my env (i.e.: /usr/bin/python), python2.3 launches 
> due to the link.

Put /usr/local/bin early in your PATH environment variable.

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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