[Pythonmac-SIG] Solid GUI toolkits for Mac?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Jul 28 00:38:22 CEST 2005

That's actually part of the intro documentation, it's just not on the  
site since it was written after the last version was released:


The intro documentation should be all you need to be able to  
understand PyObjC and get started reading Apple's Cocoa documentation.


On Jul 27, 2005, at 7:49 AM, Kevin Dangoor wrote:

> Actually, PyObjC is about as documented as it needs to be,
> particularly if you start with Bob's more recent intro doc:
> http://bob.pythonmac.org/archives/2005/07/05/pyobjc-first-steps/
> Once you learn the PyObjC conventions, the only trickery at that point
> is being able to read a bit of Objective-C and the API docs that are
> out there. PyObjC is a bridge, so the idea is that whatever you do in
> ObjC, you can now do in Python.
> Kevin
> On 7/27/05, Jon Rosebaugh <chairos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Where's the documentation? The webpage has a PyObjC version of  
>> Apple's
>> CurrencyConverter tutorial, which really doesn't teach you much  
>> except
>> how to align and connect things in IB and run py2app. The examples
>> (well, at least the iClass example, which appears to be the most
>> relevant one to my current needs) have no comments, so the only  
>> way to
>> know for sure if a particular line of code is required for the class
>> to work, or if it's just there to make life easier for the programmer
>> is trial and error. I'm trying to figure out how TableViews work  
>> right
>> now, and neither the apple documentation nor the iClass example is
>> being very helpful.
>> This reminds me of trying to learn Twisted.
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