[Pythonmac-SIG] Trouble installing CVS module kinds

Louis Pecora pecora at anvil.nrl.navy.mil
Fri Jul 22 02:38:29 CEST 2005

I installed 2.4.1 from Bob (easy), but it was missing Numeric.  I 
installed that, but that was missing the "kinds" module which my code 
imports.  Robert Kern kindly informed me that kinds is no longer a part 
of Numeric, but I could get it from CVS and he showed me how (which is 
good since I haven't a clue when things get this deep in the modules 
distribution and installation). 

However, after getting kinds and running setup.py I get the following 

/tmp/501/Cleanup\ At\ Startup/57993.command; exit
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 3, in ?
    import unittest, kinds, sys
line 2, in ?
    from kinds import *
line 2, in ?
    import _kinds
ImportError: Failure linking new module: : dyld: /usr/local/bin/python 
Undefined symbols:
undefined reference to ___gxx_personality_v0 expected to be defined in a 
dynamic image

Exit 1
[Process completed]

It appears that Python is finding kinds, but something else (involving 
gxx whatever?) is missing.  Anyone know what's happening and, better, 
how to get it working? 

Thanks for any help.


Lou Pecora

Code 6362
Naval Research Lab
Washington, DC  20375
Ph:  +202-767-6002
email:  pecora at anvil.nrl.navy.mil

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