[Pythonmac-SIG] not "MacPython" - right place?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Jul 20 06:47:13 CEST 2005

On Jul 19, 2005, at 5:38 PM, William K wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is the place - browsing the list shows everyone
> talking about MacPython or building their own.  I'm just interested
> in figuring out something on Apple's included Python.  Major Python
> newbie here (a couple Python books in the mail).

Apple's included Python is also considered MacPython.

> When I do an install with no options, it installs in /System/
> Library/...  That doesn't sound like a good idea - /System should be
> for Apple stuff and the occassional kext.  Is there a standard user-
> plugin folder for Python on Mac OS X (like /Library/Python)?  And how
> would I specify that in a python setup.py install command?  The
> distutils documentation didn't help - developer-oriented.
> for Mac OS 10.4.
> I remember trying something back in Panther, but I didn't have the
> time or need to pursue it very far.  I installed a module somehow in /
> Library/Python and it's still there.

The path it's using is just a symlink to /Library/Python/2.3/site- 
packages/, so while it displays /System/... it's really not putting  
it there.  Python code anyway, scripts it will put in that tree  
unless you pass options during the install.  See python setup.py -- 
help install.


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