[Pythonmac-SIG] [Pyobjc-dev] another tableview question

Dethe Elza delza at livingcode.org
Fri Jul 8 07:04:27 CEST 2005

> One thing I'm not sure about is making the class a dataSource in  
> InterfaceBuilder. I made the connection (and obviously defined the  
> methods in the source), but I couldn't define the appropriate  
> actions on the class I created in IB. When I tried to create an  
> action for 'tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:', IB told me  
> it was not a valid action name. I guess that would make sense  
> anyways, since these aren't actions at all.

You don't have to tell IB about actions unless you want to bind  
them.  In this case, all you need to do is tell it you have this  
custom class, and an instance of your class is the dataSource for  
your table.  The rest should happen at runtime.


Thought is an infection.  In certain cases it becomes an epidemic. -- 
Wallace Stevens

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