[Pythonmac-SIG] How do you find the app that matches a creator type

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Jan 31 21:46:33 CET 2005

On Jan 31, 2005, at 15:40, has wrote:

> Bob wrote:
>>>  it looks like the official LaunchServices package requires one to 
>>> import its sub-modules directly:
>>> [...]
>>> Not sure what the logic behind this is: [...] Maybe Jack or Bob can 
>>> enlighten?
>> It's how gensuitemodule does things...
> Not that one could ever describe gensuitemodule as an arbiter of good 
> taste... :p
> Well, for better or worse, I'll assume now it's Just The Way Things 
> Are. <sigh> Off to do a bunch of quick updates on all my own stuff...

You should probably use my packages or source for bringing Python 2.4 
features (OSA, LaunchServices) into Python 2.3.  When building 
packages, it will build decimal, subprocess, OSA, QuickTime, etc. into 
separate packages (so you can cherry-pick if you really want to) but it 
also builds a metapackage that references them all so you can install 
in one fell swoop (which I would recommend, as the other additions are 
nice to have).


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