[Pythonmac-SIG] Python+Automator?

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Mon Jan 24 18:15:19 CET 2005

Bob wrote:

>>>>What's the advantage of PyObjC here? Just because it makes it easier
>>>>to write the plugin, or does it help with writing the Python code too?
>>>The advantage of PyObjC here is that there are two interfaces for
>>>creating plugins: Objective-C plugins that implement a certain method,
>>>and applescripts that implement a certain handler.  Since the latter
>>>isn't really possible to do with Python,

Not yet, but Philip Aker is planning Apple event handling for 
PythonOSA. Whether Apple will make it easy or not to use OSA 
languages other than AS is another question, but at least the 
potential for writing Python Actions to Automator's OSA API will be 
there at some point.

>>>that leaves PyObjC as the ONLY option, and it happens to be trivial to do.

Even for dummies like me, you think?

>>Except that you can only write Objective-C Automator actions for Cocoa apps
>>which expose their entire APIs publicly.
>You're totally wrong here.  Automator actions *entirely separate* 
>from applications!

Paul might've meant you can't write ObjC-based Actions to control 
apps that provide Apple event interfaces, only apps that expose ObjC 
APIs. I dunno, what is the state of play re. using Cocoa/ObjC to send 
AEs to other applications?


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