[Pythonmac-SIG] coding preference

Dethe Elza delza at livingcode.org
Wed Jan 19 06:14:02 CET 2005

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that PyGame isn't worth the 
trouble for what you get.  I'm not real crazy about wxWindows either.  
Right now I'm not concerned with cross-platform issues, but if I were 
I'd rather see time spent on making a strong, Pythonic UI library on 
top of pyobjc (mac), pywin32 (win), and pygtk (linux), instead of 
spending all their time making very unpythonic wrappers for gigantic 
C/C++ libararies which don't capture all of the platform capabilities 
and much of which are better done in Python anyways (most UI libraries 
contain a lot besides UI classes: timing, threading, strings 
manipulation, etc.)

I'm not trying to knock how difficult it is to write cross-platform C++ 
libraries, but what is needed for C++ isn't what's needed for Python.

On the other hand, I'd rather spend my own time writing applications 
and utilities, not a UI framework, so I guess I'll just shut up now.


p.s. I have been ignoring the confusion of Linux UIs for some time.  I 
just pulled pygtk out of a hat from all the various incompatible ways 
which are the One True Right Way to write UI code for Linux.  If I 
really had to worry about cross-platform, I'd probably use PyXPCOM and 
the Mozilla libraries.

"Why is Virtual Reality always posited in terms of space, when time is 
the only real commodity left?" --Rich Gold
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