[Pythonmac-SIG] how do I use twisted cfreactor?

Kevin Dangoor kid at kendermedia.com
Fri Jan 14 22:56:52 CET 2005

Wow. That was quick!

I didn't realize that there was a gotcha with the imports. That was just 
a premature optimization, so I can easily avoid that :)

Thanks for your help... that's certainly not the kind of thing I would 
have just guessed...


Bob Ippolito wrote:

> (Kevin sent me the test off-list, and I took a look at it).
> I'm not sure exactly why your example crashes (somehow a retain 
> message gets sent to a dead or non-object), however, the problem is 
> that you are using an import statement from inside the implementation 
> of the action.  Don't do that.  Do your imports in module level code.
> -bob

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